ロブ ジェームズ James Robb

ロブ ジェームズ James Robb

Guide ・ Owner of Northern Heights Guiding


James has worked as a ski guide and in the ski guiding industry in Japan for 15+ years. He has worked with film and television productions (Teton Gravity Research​,​ Brain Farm​,​ Snow Snow) and with athletes like Travis Rice and Jeremy Jones and Shin Biyajima. Hailing from the foothills of the Canadian Rockies​,​ James came to Hakuba in 1999 from Calgary​,​ Alberta​,​ Canada with aspirations to be a ski instructor on Happo-One Resort. Once seeing the peaks and the copious amounts of snow in Hakuba he was hooked on skiing in Japan. A few years later he moved permanently to Hakuba and worked as an outdoor guide year-round for many years. In 2019​,​ James created his own guiding company called Northern Heights Guiding and has continued to show his guests the wonders of the Northern Alps in the Hakuba region.


I believe that each day spent out in the mountains can be an opportunity to make those wondrous moments we can relive and recount. My approach is definitely a holistic endeavour​,​ not focusing strictly on the epic descents but on all points getting to there. Learning about the terrain​,​ snowpack​,​ weather–my guest’s lives and stories are all part of that combined approach. My target clientele would be anyone who has interest to explore​,​ laugh and partake in whatever that day has for us. Winter is definitely my favourite season and creating memorable and safe tours for my guests is my goal.

Guide Q&A

Q: What is your most memorable experience in nature?

Backcountry powder skiing with my wife and friends.

Q: What does nature represent to you?

Nature represents virtually untouched areas that have been sculpted by forces we do not control. Being able to explore and recreate in these areas is so special for me.

Q: What has nature taught you?

To be open to change, to see connections within ecology, to be humble and respectful.

Q: What do you hope that people will get out of experiences with you as a guide?

Feelings of accomplishment, fun and laughs, learning something new or learning about local nature/geography. Moments of timelessness where everything meshes into a flow state, even if briefly. I hope the experiences created by joining me will exceed their expectations.


・Canadian Ski Guide Association ・Canadian Avalanche Association ・Canadian Ski Instructors Alliance ・Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors

